The story of a photographer

Photography has always been a passion of mine. It's the interactions, the fun, the laughs and the endless creativity that fuels my passion. I love that photography lets me capture priceless moments that people can share and re-live just by viewing them.

Fun facts about me

Some fun facts about me is that I'm a Toronto Maple Leafs fan, and if you're a Habs fan I guess I can let it slide. I also played hockey for about 18 years.

I love Mexican food – for real I could eat bean burritos, tacos, chips&guac and bottomless margaritas everyday for the rest of my life and die a happy woman.

Concerts are what fuel my soul. I love the entire concert experience - paying for overpriced beer, buying merch, and the venues atmosphere when the band plays that one song that the entire crowd knows off by heart.

Lastly, I love to travel all around the world. I've been to Hawaii, Tofino, Spain, Kelowna and the list goes on. I get the travel bug from my Mom who literally can't go 6 months without getting on a plane to fly somewhere new.